Friday, September 28, 2012


Here I am again for my once a month blog post. Ugh. One day I will do better at this whole blogging thing. One day...there's so many things I hope to accomplish one day...
--I hope to be a faithful blogger.
--I hope to run a marathon.
--I hope to be skinny.
--I hope to be finished with school.
I digress. Here's a little recap of what's been going on...we've been sick, we've worked, we've gone to church, we've been sick, we've played enough games of Spades to last until the day we die, we've worked, we've been sick...I think you see the pattern here. We're really very boring and here recently we've been even more boring than usual. I am going to blame that whole boring thing on how much we've been sick. It's been awful. We just seem to go back and forth between stomach viruses and colds and then there was an episode where I had a horrible allergic reaction to some sort of mosquito bite and the whole trunk of my body swelled up. That was very attractive...not.
And here's a little recap in pictures since everyone would rather look at pictures than read a narrative of my boring month. :)

My weird mosquito reaction. The picture really doesn't do justice to just how bad my body really looked. 

These are my AWESOME!  Seriously can't stop eating them. So addicting!

 Gas has been around $3.90 here for a couple weeks. It's so painful every time I go fill up the car now. I need another job just to pay for the gas to get to my current job.
This is love y'all. Actually, in reality, I got this cool magnetic nail polish and he was mesmerized by how it worked. But I got a free pedicure out of the deal, so I'm not complaining. :)

I'm embracing the mix matched socks trend. It makes working in ugly green scrubs a little happier. 
I just like this picture. If you're ever in eastern NC you need to visit Union Point. It's a beautiful little park right on the water front.